Thursday, February 23, 2012

Paper Garlands

The next project in the book is Paper Garlands. This was actually a really cute idea and I am thinking of adapting it for our next birthday party.

22- Pirate Garland
23- Princess Garland
24- Flowery Garland
25- Sports Garland

You start by cutting out rectangles of paper, roughly 8 inches by 2 inches. I cut various colors, depending on the flag. Then you fold them in half, so you have a 4 inch by 2 inch rectangle to decorate. For the pirate flag, I cut triangles out of the bottom, and for the flowers and leaves you cut half of the shape you want.

My pirate garland....

My princess garland...

My flower garland....
 My sports garland....

And here is what they are supposed to look like...

We didn't actually hang them on ribbon or string because Riely wanted to use them as tunnels for his trains. But he did let me at least hang them on a hanger and take a photo.

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